Intermediate C# and .Net Core | Patterns, Generics, Threading, Database, Entity Framework, UI & More (TTCN2155)

Level-Up Your C# Skills! Create advanced, efficient and well -designed C# applications using advanced techniques



5 Days

Course Overview


Intermediate C# / .Net Core Programming is a five-day lab-intensive program that enhances your basic knowledge with advanced constructs and industry best practices. Proficiency in C# is imperative for creating scalable, robust applications. This course enables you to refine your skills, using the latest C# features to develop high-quality software solutions. From employing raw literals for cleaner code to applying tuples for improved data structures, and managing resources effectively for globalized applications, the course is designed to strengthen your programming foundation for immediate application in a multitude of projects.

The curriculum is crafted to ensure a balanced mix of theoretical and practical learning, with 50% of the course dedicated to hands-on labs, mirroring real-world challenges. You will enhance your understanding of design patterns and SOLID principles, creating code that's as resilient as it is reliable. Engage in test-driven development with XUnit, and master generics to optimize your coding efforts. With an industry-expert instructor guiding you through each topic, you’ll gain invaluable insights into effective problem-solving and practical application of your new skills.

You’ll exit the course equipped with a solid understanding of intermediate C# principles, ready to be applied to your role professional work. You'll emerge with the capability to write more maintainable, efficient, and scalable code, seamlessly integrating advanced C# features into your daily development tasks.


Learning Objectives

Our engaging instructors and mentors are highly experienced practitioners who bring years of current "on-the-job" experience into every classroom.

Working in a hands-on learning environment, guided by our expert team, attendees will explore:

  • Proficient Use of Advanced C# Constructs: You’ll be able to integrate advanced C# features such as type specifiers, raw literals, and top-level statements into your daily coding practices to write more concise and readable code.
  • Application of Design Patterns and SOLID Principles: You’ll gain the ability to apply common design patterns and adhere to SOLID principles to create well-structured, maintainable, and scalable code that aligns with professional standards.
  • Development of Robust Classes and Exception Handling: You’ll develop robust classes utilizing properties, functions, delegates, and events, and will be adept at implementing comprehensive exception handling to ensure the resilience of your applications.
  • Test-Driven Development with XUnit: You’ll learn to employ test-driven development methodologies, utilizing XUnit for creating and managing unit tests, ensuring the reliability and functionality of your code before deployment.
  • Effective Implementation of Generics and LINQ: You’ll learn to effectively use generics to minimize code redundancy and apply LINQ for sophisticated data querying and manipulation, leading to more efficient and powerful data handling within your applications.
  • Concurrency and Asynchronous Programming: You’ll master the concepts of threads, tasks, and the async/await pattern, enabling you to write asynchronous C# code that improves the performance and responsiveness of your applications.


Course Objectives

Learning Objectives

Our engaging instructors and mentors are highly experienced practitioners who bring years of current "on-the-job" experience into every classroom.

Working in a hands-on learning environment, guided by our expert team, attendees will explore:

  • Proficient Use of Advanced C# Constructs: You’ll be able to integrate advanced C# features such as type specifiers, raw literals, and top-level statements into your daily coding practices to write more concise and readable code.
  • Application of Design Patterns and SOLID Principles: You’ll gain the ability to apply common design patterns and adhere to SOLID principles to create well-structured, maintainable, and scalable code that aligns with professional standards.
  • Development of Robust Classes and Exception Handling: You’ll develop robust classes utilizing properties, functions, delegates, and events, and will be adept at implementing comprehensive exception handling to ensure the resilience of your applications.
  • Test-Driven Development with XUnit: You’ll learn to employ test-driven development methodologies, utilizing XUnit for creating and managing unit tests, ensuring the reliability and functionality of your code before deployment.
  • Effective Implementation of Generics and LINQ: You’ll learn to effectively use generics to minimize code redundancy and apply LINQ for sophisticated data querying and manipulation, leading to more efficient and powerful data handling within your applications.
  • Concurrency and Asynchronous Programming: You’ll master the concepts of threads, tasks, and the async/await pattern, enabling you to write asynchronous C# code that improves the performance and responsiveness of your applications.

Course Prerequisites

This is an intermediate level .Net programming course, designed for experienced C# developers. This course is NOT for new developers, developers new to C#, or those without a programming background.

Take Before: Students should have incoming practical skills aligned with those in the course(s) below, or should have attended the following course(s) as a pre-requisite:

·         TTCN20483 Programming in C# | Creating Apps in C# and .Net Core / Latest Edition (20483)


Next Steps / Related Courses | Microsoft Developer Training Suite

Below is a subset of our follow on courses in .Net development, web development, SOLID design, .Net services, .Net secure coding and others. Please visit our site or contact us for the full course listing and next-step recommendations.

·         TTCN10975  Introduction to Programming in C# (For C# and .Net Core / Latest Edition) (10975)

·         TTCN20483 Programming in C# | Creating Apps in C# and .Net Core / Latest Edition (20483)

·         TTCN2155    Intermediate C# | Patterns, Generics, Threading, Database, Entity Framework, UI & More

·         TTCN20486 Developing ASP.Net Core MVC Web Applications / Latest Edition (20486)

TT8320-N     .Net Secure Coding Camp | Attacking and Securing .Net Web Apps (for .Net Core / Latest Edition)

Course Agenda

Please note that this list of topics is based on our standard course offering, evolved from typical industry uses and trends. We will work with you to tune this course and level of coverage to target the skills you need most. Course agenda, topics and labs are subject to adjust during live delivery in response to student skill level, interests and participation. 

1. Overview of New Features
Apply modern C# enhancements to streamline code development and maintainability.
Type specifiers
Raw Literals
Top-level statements
Global Usings
2. Design Guidelines
Develop code that adheres to industry-standard design guidelines for clarity, sustainability, and effectiveness.
Class Design guidelines
Exception Design guidelines
Common Design Patterns
3. Robust Classes
Construct robust classes with advanced property and function implementations for more dynamic and responsive code.
4. Unit Testing with XUnit
Implement test-driven development with XUnit to ensure the creation of reliable, bug-resistant applications.
Utilizing Test Driven Development (TDD)
Survey of Unit test frameworks
Using XUnit
Mocking with Moq
5. Exceptions
Master sophisticated exception handling techniques for more robust error management in applications.
Exceptions vs Return code
Testing for exceptions
6. Generics
Utilize generics to create flexible, reusable, and type-safe code structures, reducing redundancy.
Generic Classes
Generic Functions
Understanding invariance
Survey of Generics in the .Net Library
7. Delegates
Leverage delegates to design more versatile and modular code with methods as first-class objects.
Methods as objects
Generics and Delegates
Delegates in the library
8. Events
Efficiently manage and respond to application events through proper event definition and handling.
9. Lambda Expressions
Streamline event handling and delegate instantiation using concise lambda expressions.
Using lambdas to generate a delegate
10. Inheritance
Implement inheritance and polymorphism to create extensible and maintainable object-oriented designs.
11. SOLID Principles & Design Patterns
Apply SOLID principles and design patterns to diagnose and refactor code smells for improved software architecture.
Design Smells
Single Responsibility
Liskov’s Substitution Principle
Using SOLID to correct design smells
12. Interfaces
Design and utilize interfaces effectively to decouple code and enhance modularity and testability.
Interface motivations and SOLID
Interface Segregation
Dependency Inversion
Default interface methods
13. LInQ 
Manipulate collections efficiently using LINQ queries and extension methods for more expressive data operations.
Extension Methods
Linq API
Linq Query
14. Attributes, Reflection & Metadata
Employ reflection and attributes to manipulate metadata and enhance the functionality of code at runtime.
Reflections basics
15. Resources & Globalization
Manage application resources and adapt to different cultures and languages for global software compatibility.
Resource Bundles
Specifying Language/Region
16. Threads, Tasks, Async/Await
Develop efficient, responsive, and scalable applications using advanced concurrency and asynchronous programming techniques.
Creating Threads
Coordinating threads
17. Basics of Entity Framework
Leverage Entity Framework for streamlined data access and manipulation, utilizing code-first or database-first approaches effectively.
Code first vs Db first
18. Survey of GUI Applications
Explore and understand the latest trends in GUI application development to create intuitive and modern user experiences.

Course Materials

Setup Made Simple! Learning Experience Platform (LXP) 

All applicable course software, digital courseware files or course notes, labs, data sets and solutions, live coaching support channels, CodeCoach.AI anytime tutor access, and rich extended learning and post training resources are provided for you in our “easy access, single source, no install required” online Learning Experience Platform (LXP), remote lab and content environment. Access periods vary by course. We’ll collaborate with you to ensure your team is set up and ready to go well in advance of the class. Please inquire about set up details and options for your specific course of interest.

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Please see the current upcoming available open enrollment course dates posted below. Please feel free to Register Online below, or call 844-475-4559 toll free to connect with our Registrar for assistance. If you need additional date options, please contact us for scheduling.

Course Title Days Date Time Price
Intermediate C# and .Net Core | Patterns, Generics, Threading, Database, Entity Framework, UI & More (TTCN2155) 5 Days Aug 26 to Aug 30 10:00 AM to 06:00 PM EST $2,595.00 Enroll
Intermediate C# and .Net Core | Patterns, Generics, Threading, Database, Entity Framework, UI & More (TTCN2155) 5 Days Oct 7 to Oct 11 10:00 AM to 06:00 PM EST $2,595.00 Enroll
Intermediate C# and .Net Core | Patterns, Generics, Threading, Database, Entity Framework, UI & More (TTCN2155) 5 Days Dec 2 to Dec 6 10:00 AM to 06:00 PM EST $2,595.00 Enroll

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